The Birth of The Cord Wrapper

One spring evening we were sitting around enjoying the night and chatting away when one of us put away a toaster from earlier. When she put it in the cabinet, the cabinet door refused to shut all the way because that toaster cord was sticking out again for the thousandth time, causing an all to familiar scream of frustration -

"I'm so sick and tired of these cords!"

In that moment, The Cord Wrapper was born. After months of hard work and determination, we have brought our product to you to help with all kinds of cord management.

This is the solution for those annoying cords in your kitchen, bathroom, office, living room… anywhere there is a cord! Simply Wipe It, Peel It, Stick It, Wrap It!

APRIL 2019

The incident in the kitchen.

MAY 2019

Melted plastic beads and hand-shaped a prototype.


Different materials were tested and perfected with our engineer.

FALL 2019

Started the process of manufacturing The Cord Wrapper in our home town of Ogden UT.

MARCH 2020

Shipping The Cord Wrapper to homes across the US.

The Cord Wrapper Lives
The product officially launched in early 2020 and people across the US have begun to benefit from our cord management product, hiding cords throughout their kitchens, bathrooms, offices, and more! Discover just how simple it is to use The Cord Wrapper, how it can make your home more organized, and order yours today!